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Matte's Conversion Boosting Platform

Simplify Your Conversion API Implementation: No Manual Tags Required, No Tracking Specialist Needed, No Dependence on Third-Party Integration Tools. We help you Implement conversion API in 48 Hours.

Last Call to Secure Your First-Party Data Ahead of Cookie Elimination 

Image by Vitalii Khodzinskyi

Conversion API Safeguards your data

It is no surprise that the plan by Apple and Google to depreciate third-party cookies is a concerning topic among advertisers, To combat these huge shifts in the industry, we help you implement conversion API to secure 1P data

Elegant Abstract Background

Better attribution reduces CPA

The benefit of the Conversion API lies in improving your measurement and campaign attribution, which ultimately helps in tracking more conversions and reducing the cost of media acquisition. Allowing for more effective optimization and targeting

Image by Nathan John

Improved full funnel measurement  

Enjoy high accuracy, real-time conversion information with a high match rate, Improved retargeting Pool, ad optimization, and performance due to better data being fed into Facebook’s machine-learning algorithms

Overview of Conversion API

Matte offers a suite of product integrations designed to streamline and enhance your data management capabilities. Focusing on the Conversion API, this integration ensures that your marketing efforts are both efficient and effective. 


The Conversion API (CAPI) is a powerful tool that allows businesses to send web events from their servers directly to advertising platforms, bypassing the need for browser-based tracking methods. This server-side tracking method provides more accurate data and helps optimize ad performance without relying on cookies

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Supported Platforms


Case study

Advertisers with the Meta Pixel who set up the Conversions API for web events saw on average


Up to 15% improvement on cost per conversion

Up to 20% additional conversions (which means 20% uplift on sales)


Boost Event Match Quality by Utilizing 100% of Received Data

We can enhance your event match quality rate on Facebook's Conversion API, ensuring optimal utilization of your data for improved results.

If you’d like more information about our features, get in touch today.

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